Friday, July 13, 2007

I want Gary Sheffield to die

"Sheffield says Torre treats black players differently from white players and says Jeter, who is from a mixed-race marriage, "ain't all the way black," during the interview with Andrea Kremer, as reported by Newsday."

You know, I want to walk up to Gary Sheffield and just say to is face, "I don't like you because you're black." Seeing as how he thinks everything is racist even when it clearly isn't, it would be interesting to see his reaction when faced with a real racist remark.

Would his head explode? Would he just burst into flame? Anyone else ever notice that he calls people racists by making racist statements? No one calls him on it...why? Jeter doesn't know what it's like to be on the receiving end of racism because he "ain't all the way black" huh? Yeah, mixed-race kids NEVER get picked on or have racism thrown at them.

Anyways, I just hope he dies.

Gary Sheffield on a Tigers off day

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